The Manifold Valley and why we set up the Community Action for Nature

The Manifold Valley is a beautiful area in the Peak District, within which the Manifold River meanders, from its source in the moorlands near the village of Flash, down through meadows and limestone outcrops, until it flows into the Dove River at Ilam. 

It is rich in wildlife, including curlews nesting on the moors, barn owls flying over flower rich meadows, and white tailed crayfish in the Manifold River. However, while at first glance the valley is beautiful, there is concern that all is not well, and the valley is losing its biodiversity. Local residents and fishing groups are concerned that insects, fish, birds
and plant life that were regularly seen on the river are becoming scarce.

Manifold Community Action for Nature (Manifold CAN) wants to celebrate the nature of the valley, but also understand the challenges, and to find positive solutions that work for both nature and the local community.

By coming together, sharing experience, learning about the nature in the valley, and getting involved in a wide range of practical activities, like citizen science, river bank restoration, litter picking and much more, we can make a huge difference in helping keep the Manifold Valley beautiful.